Positive Charge & Negative Charge


Franklin and his experiment

The famous story about Franklin is his kite experiment." He and his son took a kite made of silk£Øbecause it is stronger than paper£©£¬ and added a long wire to the top and a piece of silk to the end of the string with which he controlled the kite. A metal key was hung where the silk and string met. They flew the kite up into a thunderstorm£¬ keeping themselves dry under a roof. When the kite reached the storm clouds£¬Franklin noticed that all the loose parts of his string began to stand up and shake.When the kite touched lightning£¬a spark ran down the string to the key£»a rush of electric sparks began to appear on the key. As the string became wetter£¬the sparks came faster.They were sparks of electricity .Lightning was indeed electricity."(see ref 1.) It is a very dangerous experiment. The idea of the experiment was not just to explain a physical appearance, but also to help people to overcome fear from nature.


If we change the definition of positive charge and negative charge is there any difference in Physics?








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